Conference Program

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Wednesday April 24

Welcome aperitif at the Toulouse City hall (Salle des Illustres)
Mairie de Toulouse, Place du Capitole, Toulouse

Thursday April 25 (Saint-Exupery)

Welcome Coffee

Welcome Address

Invited Talk: Bernhard Nebel
The Philosophical Soccer Player
Chair: Joachim Hertzberg

Coffee Break


Session AIPS/KR 1: Cognitive Robotics
Chair: Enrico Giunchiglia

Reasoning about Actions and Planning in LTL Action Theories.+
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Moshe Y. Vardi

On the Semantics of Deliberation in IndiGolog ­ From Theory to Implementation. +
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lespérance, Hector J. Levesque, Sebastian Sardina

Plan Representation for Robotic Agents. *
Michael Beetz

A Knowledge-Based Approach to Planning with Incomplete Information and Sensing. *#
Ronald P. A. Petrick
; Fahiem Bacchus

Lunch at the Novotel Restaurant


Session AIPS/KR 2: Extended representations
Chair: Patrick Doherty

Actions and Other Events in Situation Calculus. +
John McCarthy

Universal Quantification in a Constraint-Based Planner. *
Keith Golden, Jeremy Frank

The Logic of Reachability. *
David E. Smith, Ari K. Jónsson

Coffee Break


Session AIPS/KR 3: Planning in non-deterministic Domains
Chair: Fahiem Bacchus

Improving Heuristics for Planning as Search in Belief Space. *
Piergiorgio Bertoli, Alessandro Cimatti

Backward Plan Construction for Planning with Partial Observability. *
Jussi T. Rintanen

Fragment-based Conformant Planning. *
James A Kurien, P. Pandurang Nayak, David E. Smith


AIPS Planning Competition

The Third International Planning Competition: Temporal and Metric Planning.
Maria Fox, Derek Long

Departure for Fondation Bemberg Museum (30 min. nice walk)
(bus available for non walkers or if raining)

Visit of the Fondation Bemberg Museum, and Apéritif Buffet
Hôtel d'Assézat, Place d'Assézat, 31000 Toulouse Tel :

+ KR Papers.
* AIPS Papers.
# AIPS'02 Best Paper Awards.

Friday April 26 (Cassiopée)
8:15-9:00 Welcome Coffee

Session 4: Learning & Domain Analysis
Chair: Manuela Veloso

CaMeL: Learning Method Preconditions for HTN Planning.
Ilghami Okhtay, Dana Nau, Hector Munoz-Avila, David W. Aha

On the Identification and Use of Hierarchical Resources in Planning and Scheduling.
Bernd Schattenberg, Susanne Biundo

On Control Knowledge Acquisition by Exploiting Human-Computer Interaction (1).
Ricardo Aler, Daniel Borrajo

An Interactive Method for Inducing Operator Descriptions (2).
T. L. McCluskey, N.E. Richardson, R.M. Simpson

Extending the Exploitation of Symmetries in Planning (3).
Maria Fox, Derek Long

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

Session 5: Scheduling & Heuristics
Chair: Kanna Rajan

Filtering Algorithms for Batch Processing with Sequence Dependent Setup Times.
Petr Vilím, Roman Barták

Constraint Model-based Planning and Scheduling with Multiple Resources and Complex Collaboration Schema.
Christophe Guettier, Bertrand Allo, Vincent Legendre, Jean-Clair Poncet, Nelly Strady-Lécubin

Symbolic Pattern Databases in Heuristic Search Planning (4).
Stefan Edelkamp

Heuristic Search-Based Replanning (5).
Sven Koenig, David Furcy, Colin Bauer

A Plan-Based Personalized Cognitive Orthotic (6).
Colleen E. McCarthy, Martha E. Pollack

12:30-14:00 Lunch at the Novotel Restaurant

Invited Talk: Jan Karel Lenstra
Local Search in Combinatorial Optimization
Chair: Malik Ghallab


Session 6: Planning with Incomplete Information
Chair: Piergiorgio Bertoli

Execution Monitoring with Quantitative Temporal Dynamic Bayesian Networks.
Dirk Colbry, Bart Peintner, Martha E. Pollack

Faster Probabilistic Planning Through More Efficient Stochastic Satisfiability Problem Encodings (7).
Stephen M. Majercik, Andrew P. Rusczek

Estimated-Regression Planning for Interactions with Web Services (8).
Drew V. McDermott

Speculative Execution for Information Gathering Plans (9).
Greg Barish, Craig A. Knoblock


Session 7: Interactive Session

Demonstrations and/or poster presentations of papers (1) through (9)

Coffee Break (16:00-16:30)

AIPS'02 Awards & Scholarships Recipients
AIPS'02 Chairs

AIPS Planning Competition

Results and analysis.
Maria Fox, Derek Long

19:00 Departure for "les Caves de la Maréchale"
(20 min. walk)
19:45-22:00 Banquet at "les Caves de la Maréchale"
3, Rue Jules Chalande, Toulouse, Tel: 05 61 23 89 88

Papers (1) through (9) are briefly presented in plenary sessions S4 to S6, then detailed in the Interactive Session S7.

Saturday April 27 (Cassiopée)
8:15-9:00 Welcome Coffee *

Session 8: Analysis & Optimization of Plans
Chair: Sam Steel

Analyzing Plans with Conditional Effects.
Elly Winner, Manuela Veloso

LPG: A Planner Based on Local Search for Planning Graphs with Action Costs.
Alfonso Gerevini, Ivan Serina

Planning Graph-based Heuristics for Cost-sensitive Temporal Planning.
Minh B. Do, Subbarao Kambhampati

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break *

Session 9: Complexity & Planning
Chair: Jörg Hoffmann

Decidability and Undecidability Results for Planning with Numerical State Variables.
Malte Helmert

Structure and Complexity in Planning with Unary Operators.
Carmel Domshlak, Ronen I. Brafman

On the Role of Ground Actions in Refinement Planning.
Håkan L. S. Younes, Reid G. Simmons

12:30-14:00 Lunch at the Novotel Restaurant

Invited Talk: Martha Pollack
Plan-Management Assistants: From Homework Helpers to Cognitive Orthotics
Chair: Paolo Traverso


Session 10: Distributed Planning & Execution
Chair: Craig Knoblock

Active Coordination of Distributed Human Planners.
Karen L. Myers. Peter A. Jarvis, Thomas J. Lee

Planning for Distributed Execution Through Use of Probabilistic Opponent Models. #
Patrick Riley, Manuela Veloso

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

Session 11: Replanning & Domain Analysis
Chair: Susanne Biundo

The FAR-OFF system: A Heuristic Search Case-Based Planning.
Flavio Tonidandel, Márcio Rillo

Applying Domain Analysis Techniques for Domain-Dependent Control in TALplanner.
Jonas Kvarnström

Local Search Topology in Planning Benchmarks: A Theoretical Analysis.
Jörg Hoffmann

*Additional demos in the Ariane Lobby.

Sunday April 28

10:00- 12:00

Guided Visit of Historical Toulouse
The tour is offered by AIPS, but registration is required. Send an email to to Jackie Som and specify the name of the persons coming, or register at the registration desk during the conference.

Comments on the WEB site to : Félix Ingrand

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