Workshops / Tutorials Program

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Tuesday April 23
Room Argos Diamant Ariane 2 Servanty


Planning and Scheduling using Multiple Criteria
Brian Drabble, Jana Koehler and Ioannis Refanidis

WS-Tu1: Session 1

Invited Talk
Refinery Operations: Integrated Planning, Scheduling, and Optimization with a Complex Continuous Model
Mark Boddy

Planning via Model Checking
Froduald Kabanza and Sylvie ThiŽbaux

WS-Tu2: Session 1

Invited Talk
Model-Based Planning and Real-Time Execution in the CIRCA Framework
Robert Goldman

Is There Life Beyond Operator Sequencing? -- Exploring Real World Planning
Qiang Yang and Manuela Veloso

WS- Tu3: Session 1

9:00- 9:05 Opening Remarks (Manuela Veloso and Qiang Yang)

9:05-10:00 Keynote Speech:Ê Multiagent planning in real-time robotic domains.
Manuela M. Veloso

Greedy On-line Planning
Sven Koening

TUT-Tu1: Session 1


Coffee Break


WS-Tu1: Session 2

Algorithms for Routing with Multiple Criteria
Anuj Puri and Stavros Tripakis

Integration of a Multicriteria Decision Model in Constraint Programming 
F. Le Huédé, P.Gérard, M. Grabisch, C. Labreuche and P. Savéant

An Optimization Framework for Interdependent Planning Goals
Tara A. Estlin and Daniel M. Gaines

Qualitative Decision Theoretic Planning for Multi-Criteria Decision Quality
Abdel-Illah Mouaddib

Learning Single-Criteria Control Knowledge for Multi-Criteria Planning
Ricardo Aler and Daniel Borrajo

WS-Tu2: Session 2

Probabilistic Plan Verification Through Acceptance Sampling
Hakan Younes, David Musliner

Solving Planning Problems Using Real-Time Model-Checking (Translating PDDL3 into Timed Automata)
Henning Dierks, Gerd Berhrmann, Kim Larsen

Partial State Progression: An Extension to the Bacchus-Kabanza Algorithm,with Applications to Prediction
Patrick Haslum

Preemptive Job-Shop Scheduling using Stopwatch Automata
Yasmina Abdeddaim, Oded Maler

WS- Tu3: Session 2

Session I (Web and Database Services)
Chair: Qiang Yang

(35 min) Invited Talk
Planning for Information Integration on the Web
Craig Knoblock

(15 min) Greg Barish and Craig Knoblock
An Expressive and Efficient Language for Information Gathering on the Web

(15 min) Laurie Hiyakumoto and Manuela Veloso
Towards Planning and Execution for Information Retrieval

(15 min) Biplav Srivastava
Using Planning for Query
Decomposition in Bioinformatics

Session II (Business Applications)
Chair: Bernhard Nebel

(15 min) Qiang Yang
Towards Statistical Planning for Marketing Strategies

(15 min) Wei Zhang
Planning as Sequential Decision Making

(15 min) L. Castillo, J. Fdez-Olivares and A. GonzàlezJuan Fdez-Olivares
A conditional planning approach for the autonomous design of reactive and robust sequential control

Greedy On-line Planning
Sven Koening

TUT-Tu1: Session 2


Lunch at the Novotel Restaurant


WS-Tu1: Session 3

Invited Talk
Multicriteria Evaluation in Computer Game-Playing and its Relation to AI Planning
Martin Müller

Why is difficult to make decisions under multiple criteria?
F. Della Croce, Alexis Tsoukiàs and Pavlos Moraïtis

WS-Tu2: Session 3

Plan Validation for Extended Goals under Partial Observability (preliminary report)
Piergiorgio Bertoli, Alessandro Cimatti, Marco Pistore, Paolo Taverso

SetA*: An Efficient BDD-Based Heuristic Search Algorithm
Rune Jensen, Randal Bryant, Manuela Veloso

Symbolic Exploration in Two-Player Games: Preliminary Results
Stefan Edelkamp

WS- Tu3: Session 3

Session III (Robotic Planning)
Chair: Sven Koenig

(35 mins) Invited Talk
Model-based Programming of Cooperative Agile Vehicles
Brian Williams

(15 min) Michael Beetz
Towards Comprehensive Computational Models for Plan-based Control of Autonomous Robots

(40 min) Panel I
Robotic Planning.

Panel Chair: Manuela Veloso

Constraint-Based Scheduling in an A.I. Planning and Scheduling Perspective.
Philippe Laborie & Wim Nuijten

TUT-Tu2: Session 1


Coffee Break


WS-Tu1: Session 4

The MO-GRT System: Heuristic Planning with Multiple Criteria
Ioannis Refanidis and Ioannis Vlahavas

Generating Parallel Plans satisfying Multiple Criteria in Anytime Fashion
Terry Zimmerman and Subbarao Kambhampati

Introducing Variable Importance Tradeoffs into CP-Nets
Ronen I. Brafman and Carmel Domshlak

Questionnaire Results

Closing Remarks

WS-Tu2: Session 4

Invited Talk
Symbolic Model-Checking Techniques for Decision-Theoretic Planning
Eric Hansen

Solving Power Supply Restoration Problems with Planning via Symbolic Model-Checking
Piergiorgio Bertoli, Alessandro Cimatti, John Slaney, Sylvie Thiebaux

Wrap up

WS- Tu3: Session 4

Session IV (Novel Formulations)
Chair: Craig Knoblock

(15 min) Elly Zoe Winner and Manuela Veloso
Automatically Acquiring Planning Templates from Example Plans

(15 min) Keith Golden and Jeremy Frank
Universal Quantified Plans

(15 min) Wout van Wezel and René Jorna
Binding characteristics for planning diversity

(15 min) Sheila McIlraith and Tran Cao Son
Adapting Golog for Composition of Semantic Web Services

(25 min) Invited Talk
Dan Weld

(35 min) Panel II
Novel Planning Formulations for Web and Business Applications.
Panel Chair: Qiang Yang

18:00-18:05: Closing Remarks

Constraint-Based Scheduling in an A.I. Planning and Scheduling Perspective.
Philippe Laborie & Wim Nuijten

TUT-Tu2: Session 2

Wednesday April 24
Room Diamant Ariane 2 Argos Servanty

Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques for AI Planning
Lee McCluskey

WS-We1: Session 1

9.00 Knowledge Engineering: Issues for the AI Planning Community
Lee McCluskey

9.30 Supporting the Domain Expert in Planning Domain Construction
Ruth Aylett and Chris Doniat

Planning for Temporal Domains
Maria Fox and Alex Coddington

WS-We2: Session 1

8.55am Introduction

9.00 Temporal Planning through Mixed Integer Programming
Yannis Dimopoulos and Alfonso Gerevini

9.30 Fast Temporal Planning in a Graphplan Framework
Derek Long and Maria Fox

On-line Planning and Scheduling
GŽrard Verfaillie

WS-We3: Session 1

Invited presentation
Technologies for DynamicScheduling
Stephen F. Smith

Planning as Model Checking.

Piergiorgio Bertoli, Marco Pistore, Marco Roveri

TUT-We1: Session 1


Coffee Break

WS-We1: Session 2

10.30 Generic Types as Design Patterns for Planning Domain Specifications
Ron Simpson, Lee McCluskey, Derek Long, Maria Fox

11.00 Integrated Modelling: When time and resources play a role
Roman Bartak

11.30 Extending TIM Domain Analysis to handle ADL Constructs
Stephen Cresswell, Maria Fox, Derek Long

WS-We2: Session 2

10.30 Discussion Topic 1:
Amol Mali

11.00 An Incremental Temporal Partial Order Planner
Eliseo Marzal, Eva Onaindia and Laura Sebastia

11.30 Handling Durative Actions in a Continuous Planning Framework
Alex Coddington

12.00 Improving the Temporal Flexibility of Position Constrained Temporal Plans
Minh Binh Do and Subarrao Kambhampati

WS-We3: Session 2

Long presentations

Anticipatory Scheduling for Dynamic Job Shop Problems
Jurgen Branke and Dirk C. Mattfeld

Dynamic task sequencing in temporal problems wih uncertainty
M.J. Huguet, P. Lopez, and T. Vidal

Predictable Multiprocessor Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems underlying Hard Real-Time Constraints
Dania A. El-Kebbe

Programming Hierarchical Task Networks in the Situation Calculus
Alfredo Gabaldon

Planning as Model Checking.

Piergiorgio Bertoli, Marco Pistore, Marco Roveri

TUT-We1: Session 2


Lunch at the Novotel Restaurant

WS-We1: Session 3

14.00 Reuse of Control Knowledge in Planning Domains
Luke Murray

14.30 A First Approach to Tackling Planning Problems with Neural Networks
Susana Fernandez, Inis M.Galvan, Ricardo Aler

15.00 Design of a Testbed for Planning Systems
Klaus Varrentrapp, Ulrich Scholz, Patrick Duchstein

WS-We2: Session 3

2.00 Mixed Propositional and Numeric Planning in the Model Checking Integrated Planning
System Stefan Edelkamp

2.30 A Temporal Planning System for Level 3 Durative Actions of PDDL+
Antonio Garrido

3.00 Discussion Topic 2: REPRESENTATIONS OF TIME
Oded Maler

WS-We3: Session 3

Short presentations

Dynamic Scheduling and Plan Execution for Operations Automation in Multi-Satellite Control Centers
Pierrick Grandjean and Pascal Albarede

Rescheduling strategies for managing manufacturing systemscomplexity
Luisa Huaccho Huatuco

A constraint optimisation framework for real-time applications
Simon de Givry, Philippe Gérard, Laurent Jeannin, Juliette Mattioli,Nicolas Museux, and Pierre Savéant

Bringing out IxTeT in the dynamic world ?
Solange Lemai and Romain Trinquart

Explanations and repair for solving dynamic scheduling problems
Abdallah Elkhyari, Christelle Guéret, and Narendra Jussien

Arc-Consistency for Interval-based Temporal Reasoning
Malek Mouhoub and Jonathan Yip

Long presentation
The Challenge of Planning and Execution for Spacecraft Mobile Robots
Gregory A. Dorais, and Yuri Gawdiak

Planning as Model Checking.

Piergiorgio Bertoli, Marco Pistore, Marco Roveri

TUT-We1: Session 3


Coffee Break

WS-We1: Session 4

16.00 Profitable Directions for AI Planning Research
Peter Jarvis

16.30 Panel-led Discussion on Research Issues in Knowledge Engineering for AI Planning

17.45 CLOSE

WS-We2: Session 4

4.00 Discussion Topic 3:
Biplav Srivastava

4.30 Timeline: An HTN Planner that can Reason about Time
Fusun Yaman and Dana Nau

5.00 One Step on the Left, One Step on the Right, and Back to the Middle: Exploring Temporal Domains in a POP Fashion
Stephane Cambon, Solange Lemai and Romain Trinquart

5.30 Discussion Topic 4: TIME AND UNCERTAINTY
David E. Smith

WS-We3: Session 4

Long presentations

IDEA: Planning at the Core of Autonomous Reactive Agents
Nicola Muscettola, Gregory A. Dorais, Chuck Fry, Richard Levinson,and Christian Plaunt

Execution, monitoring and replanning in dynamic environments
Oscar Sapena and Eva Onainda

CLEaR: A Framework for Balancing Deliberative and ReactiveControl
Forest Fisher, Daniel M. Gaines, Tara Estlin, SteveSchaffer, and Caroline Chouinard

17.30-18.00 Final Discussion

Planning as Model Checking.

Piergiorgio Bertoli, Marco Pistore, Marco Roveri

TUT-We1: Session 4

18:00 Departure for the Toulouse City hall (20 min. walk)
Welcome Aperitif at the Toulouse City hall (Salle des Illustres)
Mairie de Toulouse, Place du Capitole, Toulouse

Comments on the WEB site to : Félix Ingrand

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