Members of the ICAPS Executive Council

The current membership of the ICAPS Executive Council is as follows:


ICAPS 2003

The13th International Conference on Automated Planning & Scheduling (ICAPS'03) will be held late spring of 2003 in Trento, Italy.


Proposal to Host ICAPS 2004

The ICAPS Executive Council is seeking proposals from organizations wishing to host the 2004 International Conference on Automated Planning & Scheduling. ICAPS was formed by the merging of ECP and AIPS, the two premier international conferences focused on the field of automated planning and scheduling.

There is no set format for the proposal, but potential applicants are strongly encouraged to include:

A number of other items would be positively considered, however, each of these is only one of several factors that the executive council will consider in their decision.

Some funds are available carried over from previous conferences as seed money for future conferences. This money is required to guarantee the existence of the conference series and each organization applying to host ICAPS must show how they aim to cover the costs of the event (and, if possible, make a slight profit).

Proposals to host ICAPS should be sent electronically (first preference PDF, second preference postscript) to:.


Please submit proposals by 10 April 2002. Proposals submitted by 10 March 2002 will be reviewed and feedback provided to the submitters to enable them to improve their proposals.

Sample previous proposals: PDF

Comments on the WEB site to : Félix Ingrand

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