NASA Ames Research Center

Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science

AIPS02 Student Scholarship

NASA Ames Research Center and the Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS) invite applications for student scholarships to attend AIPS 2002. The award will cover up to US$2500.00 in expenses towards attending the conference in Toulouse, France. Covered expenses may include the conference registration, cost of airline tickets, lodging, other travel expenses, and subsistence as per US Govt. rules and regulations listed at It is expected that ten scholarships will be awarded subject to availability of funds.

Who can apply:


The review board will give preference to students with publications at AIPS02 and those who hold exceptional promise in the field. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. All materials must be submitted to

Kanna Rajan
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000

While hardcopies will be accepted, electronic submissions in pdf, word or postscript are strongly encouraged.


Submission Deadline: 6pm Pacific time November 23rd 2001
Award Notification: January 25th 2002

Review Board

Daniel Clancy, RIACS, Division Chief (Acting), Computational Sciences Division, NASA Ames
Nicola Muscettola, Area Lead Autonomy & Robotics NASA Ames,
Kanna Rajan, Group Lead Spacecraft Autonomy NASA Ames and Associate Director RIACS (Chair)